martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

English Homeworks 4th Grade 3- 15 September

SEPT. 3rd. - 15th . 2012.
Miss Paty O.

Monday 3
Spelling NOTEBOOK “Short Vowel VCCV” Repeat ERRORS 5 times / bring a magazine
Tuesday 4
Grammar BOOK Solve p. 6 - 7
Wednesday 5
Science BOOK & NOTEBOOK Find meanings for CELL / NUCLEUS / CYTOPLASM / CHLOROPLASTS make a summary
Thursday 6
Science BOOK & NOTEBOOK Answer p 274 and questionnaire p. 235-237
Friday 7
Reading BOOK Answer questions story “Lewis and Clark and Me”
Monday 10
Spelling NOTEBOOK “Long a and i” – copy spelling list p. 83 twice Repeat words 5 times Use cut-outs and form words 1 to 10
Tuesday 11
Grammar BOOK Solve p 10 - 11
Wednesday 12
Science BOOK & NOTEBOOKFind meanings for GENUS / SPECIES make a summary Thursday 13
Science BOOK & NOTEBOOK Answer p 276
Friday 14
Practice / Study Mega Flash CD Unit 1