martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

English Homeworks 1st Grade 3-14 September

1st grade , Elementary School
September 3rd to 7th / 2012
Mon Sept 3rd 12

Paste 3 living things ( a person, a plant and an animal ) Science notebook
Tues Sept 4th 12

Cut out and paste animals in the circle map. Mega flash book p 4.
Wed Sept 5th 12

Illustrate spelling sentences. Spelling notebook.
Thurs Sept 6th 12

Cut out and paste 2 pictures of places (from a magazine) and paste them on mega flash book p 5. Study for quiz.

Fri Sept 7th 12


1st grade , Elementary School
September 10th to 14th / 2012
Mon Sept 10th 12

Bring a toy of: a person, a place, an animal and a thing.

Tues Sept 11th 12

Make the cover of a booklet, read the story ( “ Tap! Tap! Tap! “)
Wed Sept 12th 12

Read the story “Sam come back!” p12 to 21 journeys book 1.1. Choose a page, copy it and make a drawing. Reading notebook.
Thurs Sept 13th 12

Copy sentences 1 to 4 with a drawing p282 journeys book 1.1 in science notebook.

Fri Sept 14th 12
