3rd Elementary School
5 –
16 Nov 2012
Monday 5 Nov 12
Spelling: Vowel sounds in out and toy
Book p. 223
Tuesday 6 Nov 12
Spelling: Vowel sounds in out and toy
* Finish class job
* Study for quiz
Wed 7 Nov 12
Science: How do adaptations help animals
Bring the cut-outs of 3 animals
Thursday 8 Nov 12
Science: How do adaptations help animals
Paste and write the adaptations of
2 other animals
Friday 9 Nov 12
Monday 12 Nov 12
Grammar: Contraction with “not”
Write the sentences with
contraction with “not”
Tuesday 13 nov 12
Grammar: How much?
Cut and paste 3 things and paste
their price with bills and coins
Write the question and answer with How
Wed 14 Nov 12
Spelling: Contractions
Book p.41
Thursday 15Nov 12
Spelling: Contractions
Study for quiz
Friday 16 Nov 12