martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012

2nd Grade English Homeworks 12- 30 November

Logos vinculados byn        2nd Grade Elementary November 12 - 30, 2012

Monday 12

Speling: Diagraphs ch, tch, sh, th, wh
Write one sentence with a drawing for spelling words 7 to 12

Tuesday 13

Science: Animals and Plants
Answer yes or no questions on their science notebook

Wednesday 14

Science: Animals and Plants
Make a food web or food chain with images and names in a ½ of a poster board, so you can explain it in class

Thursday 15

Reading: A walk in The Desert
Make a drawing  of the desert in your reading notebook

Friday  16

Happy Holiday!!!

Monday  19

No classes!!!

Tuesday 20
Monday 26

Study for your Spanish monthly exams

Tuesday  27

Study for your English monthly exams

Wednesday 28

Grammar and Reading exams

Thursday 29

Spelling and Science exams

Friday 30

Have fun!!!!

Nota: Favor de revisar la agenda de los niños todos los días ya que las tareas asignadas en esta página pueden variar según la dinámica de la clase.