lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013

2nd Grade English Homeworks 7-11 October

2nd  Elementary School    
7 - 11 Oct  2013

Monday   7 Oct 13

Spelling:  Long Vowels CVCe
·         Write correctly 5 times quiz mistakes with drawing
·         Sign quiz 

Tuesday  8 Oct  13

Science:  What are some ways fish and reptiles are adapted?
Cut and paste 3 different fish, and 3 different reptiles.

Wed   9 oct 13

Science:  What are some ways amphibians are adapted?
Cut and paste an amphibian
Thursday  10 Oct 13

In 1/8 cardboard, a picture of a fish, reptile, or amphibian, and mention the characteristics of its body and environment.

Friday    11 Oct  13
