lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013

1st Grade English Homework 23-27 Sep

                                                               1st grade ,  Elementary School    
                                                            September  23rd  to 27th    /  2013
Mon  Sept 23rd    13

Write numbers 1 to 10 , 2 times ( study for dictation of numbres )
Tues  Sept 24th     13

Study for grammar and reading exams. Mega flas p 1 to 15, practice CD unit 1. Journey’s book p 10 to 21 ( |Sam come back ) 48 to 61 ( Pig in a wig ) vocabulary from notebook.
Wed Sept 25th  13

Study for spelling and science exams. Journey’s book p 37 to 40, 77 to 80, spelling notebook. P 258 to 261, science notebook.
Thurs Sept 26th   13

                                             E N C U E N T R O

Fri  Sept  27th      13

                                   -No       c   l    a    s     s     e     s  -