lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015

5th Grade English Homeoworks 28 Sep- 2 Oct

                  5TH. GRADE   ELEMENTARY                 Sept. 28 -Oct. 2,  2015.    Miss Patty O.
Monday 28
 GRAMMAR       Conjugate the verb BEGIN in present, past, present & past continuous,
                             future (will),  future (going to), present & past perfect, and change  to all 
                             tenses  the  sentence:               My exams begin early today.
JOURNAL    "MY FAVORITE SPORT" write 10 lines with a GOOD illustration.

  PROJECTS   for Monday October  12             READING/SCIENCE          BUILD A ROBOT    
                                                        "My past/present/future"  
Tuesday  29
SPELLING            Repeat words 3 times    make a drawing. Write a long sentence with the   words:    BAREFOOT, HUMMINGBIRD, GREENHOUSE, GRASSHOPPER  

Wednesday  30
SCIENCE              Write a summary p 238 & 239 and illustrate.

Thursday  01
 READING            Make drawings, write a sentence Words to Know p 52 and Answer 1 to 10         page 84

Friday   02
 READING            Make a drawing for the  story "Leonardo's Horse"                      
                   *IMPORTANT:  If you do not  finish your  class work,   you have to do it at home as homework. *