lunes, 9 de marzo de 2015

6th Grade English Homework March 9-13

6TH. GRADE ELEMENTARY Mach 9-13, 2015. Miss Patty O.
Monday 9
JOURNAL - "Why is Women's Day celebrated? Use your own words 15 lines - Illustration
GRAMMAR PROJECT: READ and WRITE (150-200 words) YOUR OWN WORDS an article from a newspaper about something interesting or unusual that happened around the world in the past 2 weeks and send it to my e-mail by Friday, March 13 before 6 p.m.
Tuesday 10
GRAMMAR - Quiz repeat verb mistakes 5 times. Change to all tenses: They feel better today Bring a map of Africa
Wednesday 11
READING - Summary "The Mind of a Chimpanzee" p 54 to 59
Thursday 12
SPELLING - Repeat words 3 times. Write sentences combining words 1&2, 3&4, 5&6, 7&8, 9&10, 11&12, 13&14, 15&16, 17&18, 19&20.
Friday 13
SCIENCE - Answer questions about friction and p 316
*Remember: If you do not finish your class work, you have to do it at home as homework. *