lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

3rd Grade English Homeworks 22-26 September

Monday 22nd
Make covers. Grammar and Spelling: Columbus day. Reading: Air Force Day. Science: Order. All covers must have background.
Tuesday 23rd

Spelling: Write 5 times with drawing the first 8 words of the vocabulary list. Bring a magazine (an old one we can cut out).
Wednesday 24th

Due Monday 29th: Grammar: Write 5 sentences with contractios with not and make a drawing. Example: Megaflash p. 21. Spelling: Write 5 times and make a drawing with the rest of the words of the vocabulary list (words 9-15). Study for Spelling quiz
Thursday 25th

No homeworkand Reading Exams
Friday 26th

No class.
September 22nd - 26th 2014.    Miss Marcela Moreno Grade. 3rd