lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014

2nd Grade English Homeworks 26-30 May

2nd Elementary School
26 - 30 May 2014
Monday 26 May 14

*Grammar: Description
Cut and paste a place from a magazine, and describe it with 5 sentences using adejctives and nouns.

*Spelling: sound /f/
-Sign quiz
-Write 5 times quiz mistakes correctly

*Bug Club:
-Goldilocks and the Big Mess
-Strawberries at School

Tuesday 27 May 14

Grammar: Adjectives
Mega Flash finish p. 132

Wed 28 May 14

Grammar: Rhyming
Mega Flash p. 137

Thursday29 May 14

Reading: The Signmaker’s Assistant
In a cardboard write a sign with a funny idea (and illustration)

Friday 30 May 14
