lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

2nd Grade English Homeowrks 12- 23 March

2nd . Elementary School
March 12th th to March 23rd / 2012

Mon March 12th 12

Answer p 181 Journeys book 2.5.

Tues March 13th 12

Write list words 1 to 12, 5 times and a drawing. ( 6 words in each page )

Wed March 14th 12

Make a drawing about the story “ Horace and Morris, but mostly Dolores”. Write 5 sentences about the story. Read 5 minutes.

Thurs March 15th 12

Illustrate the verbs: gather, want, ask, rain, cheer, clean, shop, drop, cry, carry, give, drink. Study for quiz.

Fri March 16th 12

Mon March 19th 12

Tues March 20th 12

Journeys 2.3p326 predict and observe, make a drawing of p331 in science notebook.

Wed March 21st 12

Write irregular verbs , present and past 3 times and a drawing p 91 mega flash book.

ThursMarch22nd 12

Study for preolimpiada. Journeys book, p 133 to 136, 181 to 184. Mega flash p81 to 91.

Fri March 23rd 12