February 27th to March 2nd / 2012
Mon Feb 27th 12
Reading presentation for Thursday March 1st about your favorite story: Firefighters, One Dark Night or Bad Dog Dodger, with 5 sentences that explain your presentation.
Tues Feb 28th 12
Wed Feb 29th 12
Bring reading presentation.
Thurs March 1st 12
Answer spelling guide.
Friday March 2nd 12
Answer grammar guide, study for grammar exam, Megaflash book p 65 to 80. Practice CD.
March 5th to March 9th / 2012
Mon March 5th 12
Study for spelling exam.
Tues March 6th 12
Copy yellow square p 81, Megaflash book.
Wed March 7th 12
In ½ cardboard paste cut outs of 20 different verbs ( or draw them ) with names.
Thurs March 8th 12
Write the verb to be in past 2 times: I was, You were, He was, She was, It was, We were, You were, They were.
Friday March 9th 12