Miss Patty Berrones
5th Grade
Monday, January 2nd – Friday, January 13th 2012
Monday 2nd
No Classes, no homework
Tuesday 3rd
Journeys book 5.3 pages 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
Wednesday 4th
Mega Flash pages 42 and 43
Thursday 5th
Journey’s book 5.1 pages 347 and 348
Friday 6th
No homework
Monday 9th
Journal. “ My 12 purposes for this New Year”
Tuesday 10th
Grammar Notebook. Mega Flash pages 46 and 47
Wednesday 11th
Write five times each Spelling word, draw a picture of each one and write a short
Story with the challenge words
Thursday 12th
With the material that you want make a puppet of one of the characters of “Wings
For the King”
Friday 13th
No homework
Miss Patty Berrones
5th Grade
Monday, January 2nd – Friday, January 13th 2012
Monday 2nd
No Classes, no homework
Tuesday 3rd
Journeys book 5.3 pages 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
Wednesday 4th
Mega Flash pages 42 and 43
Thursday 5th
Journey’s book 5.1 pages 347 and 348
Friday 6th
No homework
Monday 9th
Journal. “ My 12 purposes for this New Year”
Tuesday 10th
Grammar Notebook. Mega Flash pages 46 and 47
Wednesday 11th
Write five times each Spelling word, draw a picture of each one and write a short
Story with the challenge words
Thursday 12th
With the material that you want make a puppet of one of the characters of “Wings
For the King”
Friday 13th
No homework