2nd . Elementary School
October 31st to November 4th / 2011
Mon Oct 31st 11
Copy yellow square p 35, illustrate it from a magazine.
Tuesday Nov 1st 11
Write list words 1 to 12, 5 times and a drawing
Wed Nov 2nd 11
Thurs Nov 3rd 11
Make a drawing about the story ,”The strongest one” write 5 sentences about it. Study for quiz.
Friday Oct 21st 11
November 7th to 11th / 2011
Monday November 7 2011
Make experiment p312, make a drawing of what happened.
Tues November 8th
Mega flash p 39
Wed November 9
Draw a food web n a grass land and in an ocean ( p320-321 and324-325 journeys book)
Thurs November 10
Write a sentence with drawing with the adjectives: sad, happy, tall, short, old, young, fat, thin, pretty, ugly.
Friday November 11